Markings & Stickers for Animal Figurines:
This First Section is for Just "Japan" Type Labels:
You often find miniatures & figurine with just a Japan label. Here are some that have been identified as belonging to certain companies. Other labels are shown below this section. I wanted to get all the plain Japan stickers shown together for easier comparing.
.used by both Napco and Bridge. Some Bridge "Japan" labels will appear on some Lefton
marked miniatures, because Lefton bought out Bridge in the mid 1970s and added their
sticker to existing stock.
Arnart >..Bridge >
..Delta >
..Enesco >
Josef Originals >..Kreiss >
..Lefton >
..Napco >
..Shafford >
By Company:
Andrea by Sadek > .. Ardalt >
Arnart, numbers: 44/500sB & S8500s >..
Artmark >..Bradley >
Bridge :
Brinnco (also Brinn's), numbers: 2T-
Bug House >..Chase >
Chic >
Consco >..Davar >
DeLee >..
Delta >..Dojon >
Empress >
Enco >
Enesco, numbers: E100s, E2400s, E3260s, E3290s, E4230s, E6300s also numbers like
G Nico >..G Novelty Co. >
Grindley Ware >..
Halsey Import Co. ,sometimes with a date >..
Hertwig, sometimes has a mold number
Hinode >..Homco (Home Improvement Co.) >
Josef Originals >
Kayco >
Kelvin, sometimes numbered like: HR-
Kreiss >
Lefton, numbers: starting with H like H620 or H1565, also 5 digit numbers starting with 0 or 8 like 80547 or 06650;
Lego >..Lipper & Mann >
Maruri This company produced figures for several different importers: see their impressed mark in the Napco section below. Also produced for Enesco, Homco, Lefton & George Good >
McFarlin Potteries >
Mitaki >
Nanco >
Napco/Napcoware also produced under the name Giftcraft, numbers: most often starting with C or M like M452, also numbers starting with S, T, AX & B, Giftcraft also used numbers with GE;
Norcrest, numbers: starting with A like A95 or A820, also occasionally starting with N or K
Norleans >..Olimco >
..Otagirl >
Quon Quon also used a paper label with the same logo >
Relco >
Royal Sealy >..Sanyo >
..Savoy >
Shafford, numbers on some: 130s, 1000-
Shiken >
Sonsco >..Thrifco >
Trimont Ware > ..Tokai >
Ucagco, some horses have numbers like A80 & A90 >
Victoria >..Walker-
???Coronet & Enesco/Inarco
commonly called Clover actual Co. name unknown
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