Rio Hondo:
Rio Hondo -
* Bootie, 2 1/4" high; * Lady's Boot, 4 5/8" high, * Ma & Pa Turtle, pa is 2 5/8" high, ma 1 3/4" high; * Butterfly, 2 3/8" high;
* Ladybug, 1 3/8" high; * Worms, tail up is 1 3/4" high, tail down is 1 3/8" high;
* Skunk, about 3" high; * Skunk Ma & Baby, ma is 3 3/4" & baby is 2 1/8" high;* White Skunk was made as a figurine and as salt/pepper shakers, 2 1/4" high; * Shunk, about 3" high; * Squirrel Bud Vase, also made in yellow, 3 5/8" high, he was also copied by Robert Simmons in brown;
* Squirrel (2 5/8") & Baby (1 3/4"), also produced with yellow instead of green; * Squirrel, ;
* Squirrel, ; * Elephant Ma (2 1/4") & Baby (1 1/8"); * Elephant Planter, 2 3/8" high;
* Elephant, 2 1/8" high, * Sitting Elephant, 2 1/8" high; * Elephant Salt/Pepper Shakers (chipped), about 1 3/4" high;
* Lamb, 2 1/4" high; * Pig, about 2 1/4" high; * Speak no Evil Pig With Bib, 3" high, pink one is a bank & the green one is a shaker; * Pig salt and pepper
* Standing Piglet, 1 7/8" high; * Pig Creamer, 3 1/4" high; * Pig Creamer, 3 1/4" high; * Donkey With Double Planter, 3 3/4" high; * Horse, 4 5/8" high;
* Donkey, 2 5/8" high; * Donket With Cart, 2 1/2" high; * Donkey With Cart, 3 1/8" high; * Donkey Planter, 3 3/4" high;
* Old Horse, 3 1/2" high; * Pony Bud Vase, 4" high; * Cow, 3" high;
* Rabbits, ears up is 2 1/8" high & ears down 1 1/4" high; * Bunny Boy, 2 1/4" high; * Rabbit Pa, 3 3/8" high; * Rabbit, 3" high; * Rabbit, 3" high;
* Bird, 2" high; * Bird, 3 3/4" high; * Bird, 4 1/2" high; * Penguin, 3 3/4" high;
* Cockatoo, the blue is a planter, the other two are figurines, 4 1/4" high; * Rooster & Hen; * Chicken Creamer, 3 3/4" high;
* Chicken Salt Shaker, 2 3/4" high; * Chicken With Cart Egg Cup, 2 3/4" high; * Chick, 2 5/8" high; * Duck Planter, 3 1/8" high;
* Duck Ma & Pa, ma is 4 1/8" high & baby is 2 1/4" high; * Duck, 3 3/8" high;
* Crow / Magpie Ma (3") & Baby (1 7/8"); * Puppy (1 5/8" high), * Bird (1 7/8"), * Duckling (2 1/4"), * Kitten (2 3/8"); * Cat Bank, 4 1/4" high;
* Kittens, 1 7/8" high; * Cat, 2 1/4" (Kitten in same pose not shown, 1 1/2" high); * Shy Cat, ; * Running Cat, 2 1/8" high;
* Cat, 3" high; * Cats with teacup handle type tails, 2 3/4" & 2 5/8"; * Cats, ; * Bear Egg Cup or Planter, 1 3/8" high;
* Fawn, 2 3/4" high; * Deer, 4 3/8" high; * Deer, 2 3/8" high; * Deer, about 2" high; * Deer on base, ;
* Deer, ; * Shy Deer, 2 3/8" high; * Grazing Deer, 4 5/8" high; * Deer Bud Vase, 4 1/4" high & Deer, 4 5/8" high; * Deer, 4 3/4" high;
* Fawn, 2 1/8" high & Deer Bud Vase, 4 3/8" high; * Leeping Deer, 5 1/4" high; * Deer Salt & Pepper, 2 7/8" high; * Terrier Puppy, 1 3/4" high; * Terrier Dogs, 2 3/8" high & 2 1/8" high;
* Cocker Spaniels, 2 3/4" high; * Early Boxer Dog Planter, ;
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