This page is sorted by: Woodland And Prairie Birds, Exotics, Chickens, Other Birds.
The water birds are on their own page.
Woodland and Prairie Birds
1. Mama Snowy Owl, #351, 1 3/8", fall 1957-spring 1958, spring 1968-fall 1980; 2.
Baby Snowy owl, #352, 3/4", fall 1957-spring 1958, spring 1968-fall 1980;
3. Baby Owl (in two sizes, changed in the mid 1970s), #156, fall 1951-spring 1952,
fall 1966-spring 1992; 4. Owl Mama (in two sizes, changed in the mid 1970s), #155,
fall 1951-spring 1952, fall 1966-spring 1994;
5. Owl Papa (in two sizes, changed in the mid 1970s), #154, fall 1951-spring 1952,
fall 1966-fall 1995;

6. Barn Owl #421 & Professor Owl #846 (same as #421 with an added hat), 1 1/8", hatless:
fall 1965-spring 1967, spring 1973-spring 1981, with hat: matte Aurasperse grey &
yellow in 1960-1961, gloss fall 1984-fall 1990, Book: 1960-1961; 7. Baby Barn Owl,
#422, 5/8", matte Aurasperse grey & yellow in 1960-1961, fall 1965-spring 1967, spring
1973-spring 1981;
8. Baby Woodpecker, wire legs, beak color variation shown, #223, 3/4", 1954 & in
nest fall 1973; 9. Woodpecker, wire legs, #222, 2 1/2", 1954;
10. Quail Papa/Mama, #321, 1", spring 1957 (metal head feather), 1972 (as Mama with
no head feather), spring 1986-spring 1988 with ceramic head feather;
11. Quail Baby, #322, 1/2", spring 1957 (had metal head feather), 1972 (brown/black),
spring 1986-fall 1987; 12. Specialty Quail (mold also released in stoneware - see
the DW/other page), #2038, 1 5/8", 1991; 13. Owl, #65, fall 1965, same mold as the
Disney Owl;
14. Owl on branch, #3129, 1 7/8", fall 1993-fall 1995; 15. Owl #833 (1 3/4"), fall
1984-spring 1988 & Owl Tree #834 (2 1/4"), fall 1984-fall 1986; 16. Horned Owl, #3369,
2 1/8", spring 2002-present; 17. Barn Owl, #3196, 1 7/8", fall 1996-spring 2002;
1. Ostrich Mama, Baby & Egg, *Mama = #43, 2 1/2", fall 1959-spring 1960 in purple/pink,
fall 1968-spring 1972, spring 1980-spring 1987, *Egg = #43a, fall 1959-spring1960
in pink, spring 1980, spring 1981-fall 1982 in white, *Baby = #44, 1", fall 1959-spring
1960 in purple/pink, fall 1968-spring 1972, fall 1974-fall 1976, fall 1980-spring
1987; 2. Cockatoo on Ring, #897, 1 7/8", fall 1987-fall 1988, also sold on a branch
1991-1993 using the same number;
3. Mama Parrot, #491/870, 1 1/4", spring 1961-fall 1962, spring 1986-fall 1988; 4.
Baby Parrot, #492/871, 3/4", spring 1961-fall 1962, spring 1986-fall 1987; 5. Baby
Parrot in Nest, #492/871, fall 1973;
6. Toucan, #899, specialty piece on log - spring 1991-spring 1992, on a ring using
same # spring 1988-fall 1988; 7. Budgie, #2030, fall 1989-fall 1990, number & mold
also used as a specialty piece with two budgies on a branch; 8. Macaw, #2007, 3 1/4",
spring 1988-spring 1990;
1. Rooster #24, 1 7/8", & Hen #33, both 1949-1950, the blue hen is a test color;
2. Hen, #68, 1950; 3. Rooster, #67, 1950;
3. Rooster, #92, 1 1/2", & Hen, #91, fall 1953-spring 1955, the rooster mold was
reworked at some time - see the rear view below;
4. Hen #93/286 (1 1/2") & Rooster #94/185 (2 1/8"), 1956, fall 1970-spring 1972,
spring 1979;
5. Hen, #342, fall 1957-spring 1958, fall 1964-spring 1966, spring 1973; 6. Rooster,
#343, 2 3/8", fall 1957-spring 1958, fall 1964-spring 1966, spring 1973;
7. Squatty Hen, #373, 1", spring 1958-fall 1958 (that hen had an attached chick),
spring 1968-fall 1969, fall 1974-fall 1978, spring 1980-fall 1988;

9. Rooster & Hen, #445 & 446, spring 1960-fall 1961;
10. Tiny Rooster & Hen, #041 & #040, fall 1962-fall 1963, fall 1966-spring 1968,
spring 1970, fall 1972-spring 1974;
11. Rooster #2039, 2 1/2", spring 1989-spring 1997; 12. Hen #2040, spring 1989-spring
1995; 13. Specialty Rooster, #3007, 2 5/8", fall 1990-spring 1991, spring 1993-spring
1994; 14. Specialty Hen, #3008, 2 1/8", fall 1990-spring 1991;
16. Henny Penny, #3132, 2 1/2", fall 1993-fall 1995; 17. Specialty Hen & Chick, #3327,
spring 2001-fall 2004; 18. Nesting Hen, #4003, spring 2004-present;
19. Bantam Hen and Rooster, #3242 (1 5/8") & #3241 (2 1/8"), hen = spring 1997-fall
2000; rooster = spring 1997-present; 20. Leghorn Rooster #3159 (1 1/2") & Leghorn
Hen #3160 (1 3/4"), fall 1994-present; 21. ;
Chicks: 1. Chick, #193, 6 1/2 years in the '50s & '80s, older ones had brown shading;
2. Chick (commonly called big head chick), #447, 1/4", off & on from fall 1960-fall
1983; 3. Chick, #78, 5/8", 1956; 4. Chick, #375, 1/4", 4 1/2 years in the '70s; 5.
Chick, #37, open mouth variation, 3/4", 1949-spring 1952; 6. Chick, #3161, 3/8",
fall 1994-fall 1996;
1. Papa Tweety Bird, #481, 1 1/8", spring 1961 (matte blue), spring 1966 (detailed
blue), fall 1966-fall 1989 (gloss blue or brown), reissued in 2005 in blue with grey
belly shading and lined mouth and yellow; 2. Sister Bird, #483 & 484, 7/8", spring
1961 (matte yellow #483 or matte orange #484), spring 1966 (gloss yellow #483 or
gloss orange #484), fall 1966-fall 1967, fall 1972-fall 1977;
3. Baby Tweety Bird, #495, spring 1961 (matte), spring 1966, fall 1966-fall 1989
(gloss blue or brown), reissued in 2005 in blue with grey belly shading and lined
mouth and yellow;
4. Tweetie Bird Mama, #482, 7/8", spring 1961 (matte green), spring 1966 (gloss green),
fall 1966-fall 1972, spring 1978-fall 1989, reissued in 2005 in blue with grey belly
shading and lined mouth and yellow;

5. Birdbath, #986, sold with or without the birds attached, 2", fall 1976-spring
1981 shown with #984 Finch (wings out, on birdbath), shown in the next pictures are
the birdbath birds (left to right): #985/064 Bluejay (fall 1976-spring 1981, spring
1982-fall 1987), #983 Lark (fall 1976-spring 1981), two of #63 - Oriole (dates unclear),
the right one is slightly plumper then the other), #982 - tail up Oriole (fall 1976-spring
1981), not shown #381 Sparrow (leaning forward with tail off the ground, fall 1976-fall
6. Eagle Chick, #836, 1", fall 1983-fall 1984; 7. Mama Eagle, #835, 2", fall 1983-fall
1984; 8. Hawk, #3060, 2 1/4", spring 1992-fall 1993;
9. Peregrine Falcon, #2075, 1 5/8", spring 1990-spring 1993; 10. Both same mold &
number, about 1 1/4" high, #889, Crow on rock - fall 1987, Bluejay - spring 1988;
11. Papa Bluebird/Papa Bird, wire legs, #106, 1 3/4", spring 1950, 1951, fall 1967;
12. Bluebird Mama/Mama Bird, available in blue & yellow, #107, 1", spring 1950, 1951,
fall 1967;
13. Bluebird Baby/Baby Bird, #105, wire legs, available in blue & yellow, 3/4", spring
1950, 1951, fall 1967; 14. Doves, Mrs - #896 (7/8") & Mr. - #895 (1"), fall 1987
& spring 1988;
15. Specialty Doves in Bower, #895 (same number as Mr. Dove), 2 1/8", available in
green & white, spring 1992-fall 1993; 16. Specialty Cardinal, #2054, with fat brown
bisque stump (2 1/4"): 1989, fat brown gloss stump: 1991, thin stump (gloss or bisque,
3"): 1991-1992;
17. Hummingbird with wire bill & Fuchsia Flower on wire, #811 (1 1/8" high) & #812
(1 1/4" long), 1982, there is a hole in the fuchsia that the hummingbird's wire beak
goes into;
18. Mama Robin (also sold as a baby robin with the DW Robin), #167, early ones were
done in a grey slip, reissued as a bluebird, 1 1/4", spring 1952 (eye white and lined
mouth), fall 1957 (dove grey/pink breast), spring 1965-spring 1979, fall 1999-present
19. Baby Robin, #168a, 5/8", spring 1952 (eye white and lined mouth), fall 1957 (dove
grey/pink breast), spring 1965-spring 1979; 20. Baby Robin, 3/8", #168b, when mama
robin was used as the baby in the DW line, the regular baby (#168) was called mama
& this new open mouth baby mold was added to the line, same mold number was used,
21. Liberty Bell, #999, 2", Spring 1976-fall 1976 & fall 1983-fall 1984; 22. Crow's
nest, #393, 5/8", fall 1959-spring 1979, also sold with parrots, colored eggs & woodpeckers
using different numbers; 23. Nest with colored eggs (and variation with all brown
eggs), #446, fall 1976-spring 1979;
24. Chickadee/Baby Bird, #287, 5/8", 10s starting s56 with mom & 7s later in blue;
25. Chickadee/Mama Bird, wire legs, #288, 1 1/4", 10s starting s56;
26. Specialty Eagle on rock, #3077, 5 7/8" wide, fall 1992-fall 1993; 27. Specialty
Robin & Baby, #3031, 2 5/8", fall 1991-fall 1994; 28. Bluebird, #2028, 1 1/2", fall
1988-spring 1989; 29. Mom & Baby Crow, #58 (1") & #59 (1/2"), fall 1959-spring 1976;
30. Birdhouse, #3115, 3", 1993-1994; 31. Specialty Hummingbird on Flower, #3270,
3 1/8", spring 1998-spring 2001; 32. Specialty Hummingbird, #3128, 2", fall 1993-spring
1996; 33. Specialty Eagle, #3153, 3 7/8", 1994-spring 2000, spring 2002-present;
34. Park Place, display item for the birdbath and birdbath birds, 1976-1978; 35.
Buzzard/Vulture, #3286, 2 3/8", fall 1998-spring 1999; 36. Buzzard/Vulture, #3374,
2", fall 1999-spring 2000;
37. Eagle, #3037, 2", fall 1991-present; 38. Hummingbird, #3178, 2 1/8", fall 1995-present;
39. Specialty Peregrine Falcon, #3197, 3 1/2", spring 1998-spring 2001; 40. Peregrine
Falcon Chick, #3012, spring 1991;
41. Tourist Bird, spring 2007-present; 42. ;
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Please do NOT use images from these pages on your own web pages or for any commercial
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Links to these pages are welcome, but, please, no direct links to individual images.
8. Rooster, #374, 1 1/4", spring 1958-fall 1958 (grey shaded white with yellow beak),
spring 1968-fall 1969, fall 1974-fall 1978, spring 1980-fall 1988;