1. Lion, three color variations shown, #410, 1 1/2", fall 1958 (with eyewhites),
fall 1975-fall 1979, also see lion #3172 below - same mold reworked/resculpted head;
2. Lion Cub, #411, 9/16", fall 1958, fall 1975-fall 1979, also see #3174 below (#13)
- reworked mold with larger ears;
4. Tiger, #2029, 1", fall 1990-fall 1995; 5. Specialty Tiger, #3006, 1 1/2", fall
1989-fall 1992;
7. Jaguar, #2096, 1 1/4", spring 1991-spring 1993; 8. Mountain Lion, #3054, 1 5/8",
spring 1992-spring 1993;
9. Mountain Lion, #3235, 1 5/8", spring 1997-fall 1998; 10. Lynx, #3141, 1 1/8",
spring 1994-fall 1995 & as #31411 on a snow base, spring 1994-fall 1994;
11. Papa Lion, #3172, 1 1/2", spring 1995-spring 1999; 12. Lioness, #3173, 1 1/4",
spring 1995-fall 1997; 13. Lion Cub, #3174, 5/8", spring 1995-fall 1998, reworked
mold #411 w/larger ears;
14. Baby Cougar, #3315, 1 1/8", spring 2000-fall 2001, also sold on a base with a
1. Laughing Elephant, #88/23, 1 7/8", grey or white, 1949-1953, fall 1967, variation
- end of nose faces forward or back; 2. Standing Mama Elephant, #4, 2", 1949-fall
1951, fall 1967; 3. Baby Elephant, #22, 1 1/2", grey or white, 1949-fall 1951;
4. Sitting Mama Elephant, #159, 1 1/2", 1952; 5. Baby Elephant, #191, 2", fall 1953-spring
1957, fall 1971-spring 1973; 6. Mama Elephant, #192, 2 1/2", fall 1953-spring 1956,
fall 1971-spring 1972;
7. Baby Elephant, #264 (1 3/8"), & Mama Elephant, #263 (2 3/8"), are still available
(1955-present), but, the early coloring had pink inside ears & painted toenails,
matte finish in the 1950s;
8. Republican Elephant, #308, 1 2/3". fall 1956-grey w/eyewhites with a hole in trunk
for a flag, fall 1967-light greyish brown with dot eyes, pink ears & added glazed
on tusks, a flag was glued to raised foot. Reissued as Baby Elephant (spring 2000-present)
with mold rescupted (tail, mouth, ears, tusks);

9. Elephant, #16, 2 1/2", spring 1962-fall 1963; 10.Elephant Baby, #17, 1 1/4", spring
1962-spring 1967;
11. Circus Elephant, sitting, #879, 2 3/4", spring 1987-fall 2000, early bases were
pink & blue on these three circus elephants; 12. Circus Elephant, head down, #880,
2 1/2"", spring 1987-fall 1989; 13. Circus Elephant, #881, 1 2/3", spring 1987-fall
14. Specialty Baby elephant, #3269, 1 1/2", spring 1998-spring 2000; 15. Specialty
Elephant, #2053, 2 3/4", spring 1989-spring 2001;
1. Early Giraffe Mama, #171, 3", fall 1952-spring 1953; 2. Early Girafe Baby, head
down, #170, fall 1952-spring 1953; 3. Early Giraffe Baby, head low but looking up,
#182, fall 1952-spring 1953;
4. Giraffe Mom, #841, 2 1/2", spring 1982-fall 1984; 5. Giraffe Baby, #842, 1 1/4",
spring 1982-fall 1984; 6. Specialty Giraffe, #3036, 3 1/4", fall 1991-spring 2000;
1. Flower Monkey Mama, pipe cleaner tail, #28, 2 1/2", 1949-1950; 2. Flower Monkey
Baby, pipe cleaner tail (this one missing his tail, #29, 1 1/2", 1949-1950; 3. Hanging
Ape, #195, light brown with blue eyes & pipe cleaner tail: fall 1953, black w/white
face: fall 1969, brown w/light tan face: spring 1979-spring 1980;
4. Climbing Monkey, blue eyes, #194, 1s fall 1953; 5. Sitting Baby, #196, 7/8", light
one has a pipe cleaner tail & blue eyes: fall 1953-fall 1955, black with white face:
fall 1969, dark brown with cream face & hands: spring 1979-spring 1980;
6. Sitting Monkey, #414, fall 1958; 7. Monkey (on all fours), #415, 1 1/4", spring
1959, fall 1966; 8. Climbing Monkey, #460, spring 1959, fall 1966;
9. Baby Chimpanzee, #313, 1 1/4", fall 1956, spring 1969-spring 1970, spring 1979-fall
1989; 10. Bananas, #312a, 3/8", 1956 attached to ma chimp, spring 1979-spring 1980
11. Mama Chimpanzee, #312, 2 1/2", fall 1956, spring 1969-spring 1970, spring 1979-fall
1980; 12. Specialty Gorilla, #3015, 2 7/16", spring 1991-fall 1993; 13. Orangatang,
#3147, 1 5/8", spring 1994-spring 1996;
14. Specialty Chimp Mom & Baby, #3148, 2", spring 1994-spring 1996;
1. Early Mama Hippo, #?, 1", blue or pink, 1949; 2. Early Baby Hippo, #?, 3/4", blue
or pink, 1949;
3. Hippo Baby, #409, two sizes - 1" & 1 1/4", large: fall 1958-spring 1959 & fall
1966-fall 1975, small: spring 1967-fall 1980, the left one is purpleish-grey on blue
slip with eyewhites; 4. Mama Hippo, #408, two sizes 1 1/2" & 1 3/4", large: fall
1958-spring 1959 & fall 1966-fall 1975, small: spring 1967-fall 1980;
5. Baby Hippo, 1", #407, 3 1/2 years in the early 1970s; 6. Half Hippo (top half
- no legs), #992, 1/2", fall 1976-fall 1977;
7. Hippo River, #993, 5 1/2" x 5", sold with or without hippos, fall 1976-fall 1977;
8. Rhino, #829, 3/4", fall 1983-fall 1985; 9. Baby Rhino (with sticker), #830, 1/2",
fall 1983-fall 1985;
10. Specialty Rhino, #3009, 2", spring 1991-fall 1992; 11. Mama Rhino, #3194, 1 1/8",
spring 1996-spring 1997; 12. Baby Hippo, #3193, 3/4", spring 1996-spring 1998;
13. Mama Hippo, #3192, 1 3/4", spring 1996-spring 1999;
1. Mama Zebra, #412, 2", fall 1958-spring 1959; 2. Baby Zebra, #413, 1 1/4", fall
1958-spring 1959; 3. Zebra Mama, #173, 1 1/2", fall 1983-fall 1986; 4. Zebra Baby,
#174, 1", fall 1983-fall 1986;
1. Mama Kangaroo, #279, 1 7/8", spring 1956-fall 1956 (no baby), spring 1970-spring
1973 (baby forward), spring 1979-fall 1988 (baby to side), the first one is from
the late 50s, the model was reworked twice & brought back in the70s/80s with added
joey & apron using the same number;
2. Papa Kangaroo, arms crossed, #278, spring 1979-fall 1980, there are two variations
to this mold, one with the left arm on top and one with the right arm on top; 3.
Baby Kangaroo, #280, 7/8", spring 1956-fall 1956, spring 1970-spring 1973, spring
1979-fall 1980; 4. Anteater with wire tongue, #69, 1 11/16", fall 1966 only;
5. Koala Tree, #946, 4 3/4", fall 78-spring 1980; 6. Papa Koala (facing left), #947A,
1 1/8", fall 1978-spring 1980; 7. Uncle Koala (facing right), #947B, 1 1/8", fall
1978-spring 1980; 8. Baby Koala, #949, 1/2", fall 1978-1988;
9. Mama Koala, #950, fall 1978-1988; 10. Meercat, #3278, fall 1998-spring 2001 and
(pictured) spring 2006-present; 11. Wart Hog, #3167, 1 1/4", spring 1995-spring 1996;
12. Wild Boar, #3168, 1 1/4", spring 1995-spring 1996;
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Please do NOT use images from these pages on your own web pages or for any commercial
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Links to these pages are welcome, but, please, no direct links to individual images.
3. Lioness, #412, 1 1/2", fall 1975-fall 1978; 6. Specialty Lion, #2093, 2 1/8",
fall 1989-spring 1993, fall 2006-present;